Left 4 Dead 2 has created these extremely fun and entertaining challenges where you have to hold out for a short amount of time (it will seem like an eternity though) and fight off hundreds of zombies, and if you’re lucky (or unlucky, depending on how you view it) – a tank. When you’re not on the move, it’s usually a bad sign of things to come: the zombie horde. It’s extremely fast paced, as you’re on the move basically all the time. To top it off, while you’re trying to fight these zombies and keep moving, you’ll have to work and figure your way through the zones to get from point A to point B.

After that it’s getting from one place to another while trying to fight off dozens of zombies, and various special zombies – all trying to kill you. You start off by meeting the other characters, depending on who you choose to play, and these guys will be with you throughout the story. What’s the goal of Left 4 Dead 2? It’s extremely simple: survive. Left 4 Dead 2 combines pure zombie action, survival, and suspense, with an array of FPS options as you have dozens of weapon choices to find the one that fits you. It was even censored in Australia up until recently for the amount of gore.
The game is gorey, bloody, fast paced, suspenseful and down right full of action. You can’t be on Steam today and not know what Left 4 Dead is, as its developers are the one and only Valve, creators of Steam itself. While there has been zombies in various games in the past, the Left 4 Dead series has come to be known as the backbone of the genre and a staple to dozens of fans.

Nothing says horror like zombies, it is driven into our culture in various ways with games, movies, shows, books and more. Names in these screenshots have been blocked out to protect privacy.