The chipset in this dongle (RTL8188CUS) is compatible right out of the box with the Raspberry Pi. Edimax EW-7811Un USB Wi-Fi N Dongle - Since I don't have CAT6 run out to my garage door opener (yet), I had to accept using Wi-Fi which I generally avoid at all costs.

Raspberry Pi Model B - It can act as the web service and physically interface with the garage door all in one device (rather than purchasing something like an Arduino, which would need a more powerful computer sitting in front of it to run the web service).I find this to be one of the most common questions asked by new developers See how a basic Service to Activity (interaction / communication) model can look like in Android.Interact with the GPIO pins of the Raspberry Pi directly in Java.Authenticate users with Google's OAuth 2 (both getting the token and authenticating the token).This should be a good reference for anyone who wants to do things like:
#Run springs android web server code
There have been similar projects online, but I couldn't find any with detailed code on both sides (client + server). I will be giving an overview of the project, but it is by no means a step-by-step tutorial. Once the user is verified, the command is executed. These credentials are posted to Google to verify they are authentic.